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Lisa Steelman

Professor | College of Psych. and Liberal Arts - School of Psychology

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feedback, gender and leadership, employee engagement, DEI

Personal Overview

Lisa A. Steelman, Ph.D. is a Professor of Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Psychology. She is the former Dean of the College of Psychology and Liberal Arts, and past Program Chair of the I/O Psychology graduate programs. Her research interests include feedback processes, the role of the feedback environment in performance management, coaching, and 360-degree feedback, leadership and leadership development especially for women leaders. She has numerous publications and presentations at national and international conferences in these areas. In addition to her publications and presentations in these areas, she also consults with organizations on issues such as talent management, strategic planning, employee engagement and negotiation and conflict resolution. Dr. Steelman was the editor of the Industrial Organizational Psychologist and was the recipient of the Joan Bixby Award for the Advancement of Women at Florida Tech.

Educational Background

Ph.D. Industrial/Organizational Psychology, University of Akron

M.S. Industrial/Organizational Psychology, University of Akron

B.S. Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Selected Publications

Duong, N., Fry, T., DeChurch, A., Steelman, L.A., & Wildman, J. (in press). The antecedents, outcomes, and mediating role of inclusion at work. Equality, Diversity, & Inclusion: An International Journal.

Ellison, L.J., Steelman, L.A., Riordan, B.G., & Young, S.F. (in press). Setting the stage: The feedback environment improves 360 degree feedback leader development program effectiveness. Consulting Psychology Journal: Research & Practice.

Young, S.F., Steelman, L.A., Pita, M., & Gallo, J. (2020). Role-based engagement: Scale development and validation. Journal of Management and Organization. 1-21.

Steelman, L.A., & Williams, J.R. (2019). Using science to improve feedback processes at work. In L.A. Steelman & J.R. Williams (Eds.), Feedback at Work, Springer.

Gallo, J.R., & Steelman, L.A., (2019). Using a training intervention to improve the feedback environment. In L.A. Steelman & J.R. Williams (Eds.), Feedback at Work, Springer.

Steelman, L.A., Kilmer, G., Griffith R.L., & Taylor, J. (2019). The role of feedback in coaching and technology-enabled coaching processes. In L.A. Steelman & J.R. Williams (Eds.), Feedback at Work, Springer.

Griffith, R.L. Steelman, L.A., Moon, N., al-Qallawi, S., & Quraishi, N. (2018, July). Guided mindfulness: Optimizing experiential learning of complex interpersonal competencies, In International Conference on Augmented Cognition (pp. 205-213). Springer, Cham.

Steelman, L.A., & Wolfeld, L. (2018) The manager as coach: The role of feedback orientation. Journal of Business and Psychology, 33(1), 41-53. DOI: 10.1007/s10869-016-9473-6.

Young, S.F., Richard, E.M., Moukarzel, R.G., Steelman, L.A., & Gentry, W.A. (2017). How empathic concern helps leaders in providing negative feedback: A two-study examination. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 90, 535-558. DOI: 10.1111/joop.12184

Griffith, R.L., Steelman, L.A., Wildman, J.L., LeNoble, C., & Zhou, Z.E. (2016). Guided mindfulness: A self-regulatory approach to experiential learning of complex skills. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 18(2), 147-166. DOI:

Young, S.F., & Steelman, L.A. (2016). Marrying personality, job, and work demands and their effect on engagement via critical psychological states. International Journal of Human Resource Management. DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2016.1138501

Peterson, S.M., & Steelman, L.A. (2015). Repatriate knowledge sharing environment: Scale development and validation. Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, 14(4), DOI: 10.1142/S0219649215500318.

Moukarzel, R., & Steelman, L.A. (2015). Navigating multicultural teams: A roadmap to feedback across cultures. In Wildman, J.L., & Griffith, R.L. (Eds.), Leading Global Teams: Translating the Multidisciplinary Science to Practice. Springer.

Young, S.F., & Steelman, L.A. (2014). The role of feedback in supervisor and work group identification. Personnel Review, 43(2), 228-245.

Steelman, L.A. (2013). Making history: The evolution of the Industrial/Organizational Psychologist, The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 50(4), 15-28.

Steelman, L.A., & Sudduth, M.M. (2013). Fear and Loathing at Work: A Savage Journey to the Heart of Received Wisdom on Generational Differences. In D. Svyantek & K. Mahoney (Eds.), Received Wisdom, Kernels of Truth, and Boundary Conditions in Organizational Studies, 9-26. Information Age Publishing.

Griffith, R.L., Gabrenya, W., Steelman, L.A., Armon, B., Gitlin, B., & Kung, M. (2012). Global Organizational Psychology: Internationalizing the Training Curriculum. Psychological Topics, 21(3), 1-16.

Parks, K.M., & Steelman, L.A. (2008). Organizational wellness programs: A meta-analysis. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 13(1), 58-68.

Steelman, L.A., Levy, P.E., & Snell, A.F. (2004). The feedback environment scale: Construct definition, measurement and validation. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 64(1), 165-184.

Steelman, L.A., & Rutkowski, K.A. (2004). Moderators of Employee Reactions to Negative Feedback. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 19(1), 6-18.

Williams, J.R., Miller, C., Steelman, L.A. & Levy, P.E. (1999). Increasing feedback seeking in public contexts: It takes two (or more) to tango? Journal of Applied Psychology, 84, 969-976.

Levy, P.E., & Steelman, L.A.(1997). Performance appraisal for team-based organizations: A prototypical Multi Rater System. In M.M. Beyerlein, D.A. Johnson, & S.T. Beyerlein (Eds.), Advances in interdisciplinary studies of work teams: Team implementation issues, (Vol. 4). JAI Press.


My research interests cover three broad areas. First, I am interested in the role of feedback and coaching at work. In this area I am most interested in understanding how to facilitate on-going learning and development via feedback processes and managerial coaching. My research team and I are currently examining the role of the feedback environment in performance management and the mindful use of feedback, cross-cultural factors associated with feedback seeking and provision, and the role of the manager-as-coach in the performance management process. Second, I am interested in better understanding employee engagement and its role in both work and nonwork well-being. Finally, my team and I are examining the factors that can facilitate the success of women in leadership positions. 

Dr. Steelman’s research interests include performance appraisal, feedback processes and coaching, and job attitudes.

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